Farmers Market September 9th

All tomatoes and Okra were from market share.  A bit of Gpa P drama, he ate all the tomatoes in a 4 hour span.  I got two cherry tomatoes that happened to fall behind the bowl.  He then said he threw them out as they were bad and weeks old.  Sigh.  He had eaten them.  I hope they were yummy.
I paid $6 for the two celaric (celery roots) at another organic tent.  I cut of the greens and chopped and froze them for future soups.  The Okra was also sliced, prepped and frozen. 

Two bags of salad greens and two eggplants from our market share

Swiss chard (already blanched and frozen) more white turnips (greens cut off and julienned for soups and stews) and carrots all from my market share.

I also spent $6 on another bunch of beautiful flowers.  A splurge that I am enjoying.
So, $12.00 spent, $6 which was actual food.


  1. Beautiful produce, bummer about the tomatoes.

  2. Arrgh my comment disappeared right in front of my eyes without my screen even flickering, it's the first time THAT has happened to me!

    Did he realize that he had eaten the tomatoes (and lied about it) or did he really think that they had been thrown away?

    The produce is lovely and I'm happy for you that you're so excited every time you get a new order!

    1. Others have been saying that blogger is acting buggy. He knew. He blamed me and the Uncle too. I have been very frustrated with his selfish behavior of late. He is struggling with his limitations (which are not many) and acting out because of his own frustrations. He doesn't always remember eating but this time he knew what he had done.


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