Zaycon Beef (contains a referral link)

Well yesterday morning was a new adventure. I was at Margaret H's house very early with Starbucks in hand and we started to separate 60 pounds of Zaycon ground beef.  We each purchased 40 pounds, and each sold one 'chub' (Zaycon's term and one that set us into giggles) to Melanie L.

With cutting boards,  knives and scale ready we started to divide the meat into 1 1/4 pound increments. I was in charge of the cutting (DH would find that funny, but I think I did a great job!) A few were a tad over that weight but all was good. Using her food saver and heavy duty freezer bags we manage to accumulate over 30 packages of ground beef for our freezers.  

Starbucks coffee and lots of laughs were also enjoyed and plans for future meals are at the ready. Melanie L met me at the studio for her 20 pounds for her to use her own food saver. I don't know who was more excited Melanie's children or Melanie herself. I was very excited to not only be able to participate in this deal,  40 pounds of chicken breast will be ordered for us to process in October.  Because we each bought a case of the beef, we got in on the $1.49 a pound deal.  I think I might be a second case for $1.89 as well, since Melanie wants in on this deal also.

If you want in on these deals too, here is my referral link: 
For every referral who makes a purchase, I will get a $1.00 credit.  

Now, if Zaycon will just bring Salmon our way............
