Farmer's Market Share 8/27/17

No OOP to me as I paid for this Market Share in 2016
Two beautiful bunches of swiss chard, 2 bunches of turnips and the bonus turnip greens!

3 beautiful eggplant, 3 white cukes, two green cukes, 3 tomatoes, 2 walla walla onions
 and one frying pepper

a quart of sweet cherry tomatoes

I paid $5 for the above 4 ears of corn, 4 summer squash and one non ripe pumpkin to try.


  1. What a haul! So, I'm curious....what are you planning to do with the pumpkin?

  2. I was going to decide when I cut into it. If it's the texture of a more mature pumpkin I will roast. If it's more like a summer squash probably steam it.


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