In the vegetable garden

Oregano and butter bibb lettuces. 

Finally have peas!

This fennel is beautiful!

Another onion ready to be harvested.

More butterbig lettuce and broccoli

Look at that beautiful onion!



  1. I am jealous! I miss having a home garden. As a renter, I am limited to herbs in pots at the moment. For about 4 years, even when I still had a marital home and garden, I have been a member of organic, local farms. Fresh peas, berries this week-awesome!

    1. Pots are good! I enjoy your CSA posts, and we have talked in our house about joining one, but I enjoy shopping for my veggies too much, so we agreed I would go to farmers markets as we can. This summer I have most mornings off, only way I was able to keep the garden this neat. Let's see what happens in July when I go to conference.


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